You turn towards the way the figure ran, it heading deeper into the swamp. You go forward, pursuing it even though it always seems to be just out of your sight. As it dips between low hanging branches and disappearing for long seconds behind large tree trunks, you have to wonder if maybe this is a Ranger? Is it maybe Roake out checking various projects that have been started? You wonder if this could really be a creature known as a swampsquach. It doesn't seem far fetched for Shantyland, but there's doubts in the back of your mind, a doubt that says you need to see it to know that it's true. As you follow the figure, you stumble upon a house. It's made out of an old, old mushroom that's gone white and stiff with age. The figure has disappear from sight, but you can hear noises coming from the left.

-Approach the house
-Go towards the noise