A camera is put into your hands – you don't quite know why this camera is so much better than the one you were given when you first came to the Rangers, but the Croaki acts as if it's something to be revered. A part of you wants to look at the others to see if maybe they have the same camera, if maybe they have the exact same equipment or if maybe you've been duped into doing someone else's work. Looking at the board with all its pictures and red strings and the frankly fantatical look in the Croaki's eyes, you don't think this is official Ranger sanctioned work at all. "All of us have our roles," he tells you, "Shantyland is a surprisingly big place and the Swampsquach has been sighted just about every where. It's easier if we all split up."

"I heard the Swampsquach was last sighted at the Galaxy Station Casino," you hear the Ranger with no mouth tell the group, even as you're ushered out of the room. Everyone has their paths to go searching, but you feel like maybe you weren't given the most information... At the same time, you find yourself in this. You're a Ranger and a Ranger means looking for greater things and categorizing everything you can think of. This is all just a part of research and you can even take notes of other things you find while you're out. It's a win-win situation.

You take your time leaving the station, watching your new comrades in the unknown running off in separate directions of each other. You guess that just leaves you to go your own way. As you walk, you're met with two paths: one path is very clear – it's obviously been a pathway for Rangers for months, if not years; the trees have been bowed out of the way, the grass has been flattened, but they haven't quite gotten to the point of actually paving it. The other path probably shouldn't be considered a path; there's nothing really indicating it's a "path" to begin with outside of some of the branches of the trees have been snapped off by Rangers going through it and the occasional bare spot in the bushes.

-Take the clear path
-Take the cluttered path